Ron and Dennis have come up with technology that makes any carrying material fair game.
If you are on the fence about purchasing a snake, don’t be —
it’s costing you money NOT to own one!
After over 20 years of frustration and considerable expense in trying to separate micron gold from clay at our hard rock mine that situation is now just a memory thanks to the snake. The old timers high graded and left behind plenty of material in tailing piles that up till now was not feasible to process. With the snake trapping down to 700 mesh in our own material it is the only way to go. By adding the sluice to our commercial unit it adds an extra trap and is well worth the investment. I would not hesitate for a second to recommend the snake to anyone that wants to capture micron gold. And to top it off Ron and Dennis have provided the best customer service that anyone could ask for. If you are on the fence about purchasing a snake don’t be, it’s costing you money not to own one!
Chuck K., Colorado